We’re in the last few days of January and well on our way into our New Year's Resolutions. Or are we? According to Psychologist, it takes three weeks of a repeated action to become a habit. I welcome the quiet month of January for several reasons. It’s my birthday month and I love the double dose of beginnings, one for the new year and another three weeks later on my birthday. It gives me that second chance to refine my new year's resolutions that I’ve usually already somewhat broken. LOL
In light of this, I want to share with you a simple resolution that will improve your well being and can be sustained, I promise. It’s what I call an essential kitchen accessory. Most of our resolutions have something to do with creating healthier habits, whether it be eating healthier, exercising more, meditating, etc. The easiest thing you can do, is commit to drinking water, healthy clean water.
I’ve just installed my second Doulton Ceramic under sink Water Filter. http://doultonusa.com The original Doulton ceramic company that produced fine English china, is the same company that produced ceramic water filters effective enough to rid Cholera bacteria from the Thames River 170 years ago, making it safe for drinking and curbing the cholera outbreak in England. A Commission by Queen Victoria to produce purified water for the Royal household, earned the company the Royal Crest, hence the name “Royal Doulton” on your dinnerware and fine china.
Whether water is drawn straight from a well, stream, lake or has been processed by a modern treatment plant, it can still contain bacteria, toxins, metals and other pollutants including medications that have found their way into our water supplies.
Even the most modern water treatment plants regularly add chlorine, ammonia, aluminum sulphate and other chemicals to deal with other water contaminants. Many of today's water treatment plants are not modern and pump directly from the source with minimal testing to assure drinkability. Most of the distribution systems in use today were built years ago using materials and techniques considered substandard today.
If you’re not already aware of the Flint Michigan water crisis, please read on http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/21/opinion/the-poisoning-of-flints-water.html, it’s been all over the news and recently the cover story of Time magazine, entitled “The Poisoning of an American City”. Water contamination is not just in developing countries.
Here are the facts on Doulton Ceramic water filters and why I use them.
Doulton ceramic water filters have been continually manufactured since 1827.
NSF®, WRAS, ISO 9001 certificates demonstrate that Doulton® drinking water filters have passed the highest testing standards.
100% natural material ensures nothing is added to the water.
The essential minerals which are beneficial to health are retained.
Doulton® ceramic filter candles have an anti-bacterial matrix integrated into the ceramic mix, making the candle self-sterilising and inhibiting bacterial growth on the filter.
All systems are fitted with genuine Doulton ceramic elements for chlorine, chemicals, microbiological and heavy metals (lead) reduction.
Ultracarb ceramic filter is a four stage system in one that removes taste, odor.
Doulton water filters do not require electricity to function.
The cartridge needs replacing only once a year and is simple to change.
Today, over a million units sell each year in over 150 countries around the globe. Modern society is constantly polluting our water, by having the faucet right at your kitchen sink, it’s a constant reminder that there is a finite quantity of fresh water on earth. Use it and enjoy it mindfully.
I purchased my filter from Water Filter Company in North Kingston RI. http://www.waterfiltercompany.com I had them install it or you can purchase one online http://doultonusa.com and have your plumber install it. Believe me, it’s easy and so much more effective than the water filters that are built into your refrigerator.
Doulton is a household name synonymous with clean, healthy drinking water. You can be assured that the tea your drinking from your Royal Dalton china is clean, healthy and the one resolution you can incorporate into your household forever.
Happy New Year, and remember we can get up every morning and start anew!