Category Archives: Blogs

Create A Healthier Home – Designed For Wellness

Greetings, I have some exciting news to share,  Balanced Interiors is expanding!  I believe that “Design Matters”, after all, that’s the essence of Balanced Interiors, what you surround yourself with matters, it has a profound effect on how you feel.  Of course I'll still be focused on designing beautiful spaces, I’ll keep doing that, I love…
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It's that time of year where I gather and dry my herbs, gather my family and friends and gather my thoughts of gratitude. Even gratitude for the hard things. It’s been an incredibly busy few years and it is heartfelt when I say, you are large part of what I’m grateful for. Thank you for…
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Sprucing Up Our Winter Nests

One is truly blessed if they’re fortunate enough to live in New England in the fall. Its spectacular, warm, subtle hues are a welcome break from the bright colors of summer. The long, late afternoon shadows that usher us indoors for a cup of tea give us time to pause and appreciate our interiors again.…
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Hello My Friends

Hi Friends, I often think of you and never seem to have the time to get together or check in.  The silver lining in this crisis is that we have time to do the things we’ve been wanting to get to, so here I am.  How are you and how is your nest supporting you? …
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